The same dream two hundred times

I have seen this strange dream at least two hundred times ! Yes, that is correct. Sometimes the location changes, sometimes the persons change. But the main theme remains the same. I have no clue why I see the same dream again and again.

Anyway here it is. This is what I see in all dreams.

I am going back to my school. Oh my God, I just can’t imagine it now, going back to Grade 10! but thats what I see in dream. The reason being, I didn’t pass for some subject, so I have to re-appear for the exam. Re-appear for exam after 16 years ? No, no questions are allowed in a dream. Thats the rule. One thing is, I never write the exam, all I see is, going to the class, sitting with the students who are 16 yrs younger than me (man, it is not fun), and then all of a sudden I wake up and find myself in the bed! Sometimes I go back to my Engineering college, meet my teachers, attend the class, again, can’t write the exams. May be one day I need to write the exam at any cost in the dream, should be alright then. I know most of my dreams are related to some incidents in my life, like when I was a child, I wished for a bicycle. And in my dreams, I get that. I could pedal the cycle very fast and sometimes the handle bar disappears, sometimes the cycle starts flying. WOW, thats was really nice.

I was not that bad in studies, starting from Grade 1 to Engineering college, I failed for exams only two times. Once in Grade 8 and Once in Engineering college. First time, it was not the final examination, like a terminal exam. And the Engineering college one, I couldn’t study well as I had jaundice (good excuses ?). I tried my level best to recall and link some incident in the past to this dream. But every time I failed miserably. I know it is not a big deal, still its disturbing me slightly. Two hundred times the same dream. Do I need to consult some Psychotherapist to avoid seeing it for one more time ? At least I can see some new dreams instead of seeing the same thing again and again.

Dear Mr.Analyst, can you figure any thing out of it ? I am so confused.

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